Water Sanitation & Hygiene
The lack of planning and the absence of sewage treatment networks inside the slums that resulted from wars and disasters lead to more chaos and polluted environment. IHR works on finding proper solutions by digging wells and establishing healthcare supply chain networks that provide water and sewage treatment especially at displacement camps and besieged areas
Navigate Projects
For our environment
Syria : Idleb
from 14/06/2023 until 15/07/2024
Number of beneficiaries
265.000 Beneficiaries in the community

It is one of the largest and most important development projects implemented by the International Humanitarian Relief Organization
Project activities:
– Extending a 15 km sewer line to serve the city of Idlib and the camps and population centers surrounding it

Rehabilitating water stations and providing clean water and sanitation services
Syria : Moataram – “Basanul” – Muhambal
15/07/2023 until 15/07/2024
25,000 Beneficiaries

Project activities:
1 – Rehabilitation and development of three water stations and installation of renewable energy systems to operate them
2- Construction of two water tanks to replace the tanks damaged by the earthquake
3 – Supporting camps with all drinking water and sanitation services

Rehabilitation of drinking water stations and conversion to clean energy
Syria : Ariha – Muhabel -Muataram
from 14/01/2023 until 15/07/2023
Number of beneficiaries
34.000 Beneficiaries in the community

Project activities:
– Maintaining and expanding the sewage network and repairing damaged lines in the targeted villages
– Rehabilitation and development of drinking water stations to rely on clean energy
-Extension of a new water network in the village of Muataram
-Supporting and providing water and environmental sanitation services in 3 schools

EQ Phase 1 [Restoring WASH services functionality for earthquake affected people in Aleppo and Idleb]
Syria : Afrin
15/03/2023 until 15/12/2023
40,524 Beneficiaries

In response to those affected by the devastating earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northwestern Syria, there was a project to rehabilitate the damaged water and sanitation networks.

Cholera Emergency Response In Northern Syria
Syria : Tal Abiad
from 14/07/2022 until 15/07/2023
Number of beneficiaries
19.000 Beneficiaries in the community

In response to the spread of the cholera epidemic in most areas of Syria,
we signing a memorandum of understanding with the local council in the city of Tal Abyad
This is to support water stations with liquid chlorine, in addition to chlorine pumping devices on the network
Where 4,900 kg of liquid chlorine and three pulse chlorine pumps will be provided at the following stations:
Northern Turkmen Bath Station, which serves more than 4,500 beneficiaries
South Suluk station, which serves more than 10,000 beneficiaries
Al-Zahia station, which serves more than 4,500 beneficiaries

Improve access to hygiene sanitation facilities and improve healthy environmental living conditions.
Syria : ِTal Abiad
15/07/2022 until 15/12/2023
14,000 Beneficiaries

1-Removal of solid waste from Hammam Turkmen communities and disposal of the communal landfills
2- implement 84 sterilization campaigns for Sandfly (the same location of waste removal)
3- limited rehabilitation for a sewage system in target locations

Provision of dignified shelter support and integrated WASH services leading to dignified and safer living conditions in north-west Syria
Syria : Jebel Saman-Harim -Afrin-Idleb- Ariha
from 14/07/2022 until 15/07/2023
Number of beneficiaries
25.492 beneficiaries in the community

A) Shelter:
1-Installation of better-dignified shelters served by WASH facilities and associated with the site’s infrastructure.This activity will help 145 HHs,120 in Hirsh Kastak Jundo, and 25 in Islamuna 2 camps.
The design of the dignified shelter units and infrastructure were selected according to the SNFI guides 2022
2-Graveling and establishing the drainage system on main and sub-roads of the inside camp’s roads to facilitate the IDPs movement, especially during the winter season, and prevent flood effects.
3-Installation of solar lighting poles in 6 camps
4-Tents leveling in Horan camps. to prevent moisture and medium flood during rainstorms entering the tent.
5-Rain drainage system and channels is taregeting camps

1-Rehabilitation and Expansion of sewerage systems in Hirsh Kastak Jundo and Islamuna 2 camps where the new dignified shelters are provided.IHR will expand the sewage system as an integrated service of infrastructure improvement for implementing the145 dignified shelters in Camps.
2-Rehab of SS in Al Mohamdiyah,and Deir Ballut camps
3-Distribution of 18 water storage tanks in 2 camps
4-Construction and Rehab of 11 latrines of two cells with high consideration of PWDs in 2 camps.
5-Distribution of 75 garbage bins in 5 camps
6-Distribution of 2893 hygiene kits via CVA modality in 8 camps with delivering hygiene promotion to control water-borne diseases (WBDs)
7-Rehab of 4 water stations with small-scale network rehab and upgrade them with solar power,
8-Operational Support with chlorination of Islamuna2 water station which serves 7001 beneficiaries in Islamuna2 and Alnahda Camps
9-Full package of Basic WASH services (Water trucking for 3 months,Desludging and solid waste removal for 10 months) in Al Qamue camps

Medical waste management for Health facilities
Syria : ِAleppo
15/12/2021 until 15/07/2023
195.175 Beneficiaries

through this project two (2) medical waste management plants shall be established, each one equipped with the required equipment such as incinerators, gas treatment, and sterilization units, more detailed components of the incineration system can be found in BOQ1. The two facilities will be located one at Al-Bab (Bazagha) and the second at Azaz districts. Both plants will provide services for the collection and disposal of medical waste management throughout the northern Aleppo region (“Euphrates shield”).
The suggested collection and treatment system is designed to handle the medical waste within the generally 4 different kinds of medical waste

Enhancing emergency WASH support services and Improving access to quality water through water system rehabilitation
Syria : Harim, Salqin, Afrin community, Jendiris viiage,
Jalma village, KafrSafra village, and Tal Alkaramaj village
from 05/06/2021 until 06/06/2022
Number of beneficiaries
149.450 beneficiaries in the community
11.885 IDPs in camps

WASH services in 12 camps and 5 communities (Jalma, Kafr Safra, Jandiris, Bafloor, TalAlKAramej). the project includes water trucking services in the camps and rehabilitation of many water networks, in addition to rehabilitation of 4 water stations from all aspects including providing solar energy stations to operate the water station. The project includes many other services like solid waste management and latrines construction and training for WMU.
WASH Services in 8 camps in Harim and Salqin sub-district
Rehabilitation of water source in Islamona2 camps
Rehabilitation of sewer network for Tal Alkarama village
Rehabilitation of sewer network for Bafelor village
Construction of the solar system for Kafr Safra water station
Construction of the solar system for JAlma water station
Rehabilitation of Jandaris water station

Complementary WASH Emergency Response
Syria : Harim and Salqin
1/07/2020 until 30/06/2020
4046 Households

WASH Services in 16 camps in Harim and Salqin sub-district
Rehabilitation of water source in AlOmaa camps
Rehabilitation of sewer network for Alnahda neighborhood in Sarmada village

WASH and Hygiene
Syria : Ariha
from 01/05/2020 until 31/01/2021
Number of beneficiaries
2653 Households.

1-Distribution 820 hygiene kits on a monthly basis for 6 months
2-Provision of water tankers on monthly basis for 7 months for 4920 person
3- conducting hygiene sessions for 6 months in the targeted location for 820 HH

Wash Emergency response
Syria : Afrin-Maaret Tamsrin
1/04/2020 until 31/10/2020
793 Households

1- Installation of 20 units, each unit includes 5 cabins, 4 cabins toilets and one of them for PWDs and one cabin as a shower room. 3 water tanks 1 m3.
2- Supply and distribution 22680 m3 of water via trucks to 4,200 BNF’s most affected population in three Camps in (Maaret Tamsrin, Afrin) districts.
3-Installation of water tanks and water points (4 tanks capacity of 45m3).
4- Distribution of 700 hygiene kits in the targeted camps.
5- conducting 3 hygiene campaigns within the targeted camps.
6- Provision of 105 garbage bins and supporting the camp’s management with SWM activities.
7- Desludging for greywater from the septic tank in the targeted camps

Drop Of Water 2
Syria : North Rural Homs
from 01/05/2017 until 31/08/2018
Number of beneficiaries
5,407 Households.

This project includes pumping of clean portal water drinking water to 7 villages in north Rural of Homs and Hama Rural by operating 4 water pumping stations delivering water to the following villages: Deir Fool, AL-Magdal, Granada and Hashemia. The project also includes the trucking water to three villages (residential communities): AL-Se’en, Al-Dar Al-Kbere and Tlol Elhomor.
The project also works on the rehabilitating water pumping station and water network infrastructure in the area, it also works on finding the proper method to hand over the project to the local council to ensure its sustainability.

Water Pumping 2
Syria : North Rural Homs “Rastan and Talbeesa”
1/11/2017 until 31/07/2018
5,848 Households

This project includes pumping of clean portal water to 9 villages by 7 water pump stations: Eastern Farhaniyeh water pumping station (Zafaraneh- Makramiyeh – Eastern Farhaniyeh), Western Farhaniyeh, Al-Hashmi – Rastan, Ezzeddine, Assayleh, and Abu Humamah. In addition, the project works on rehabilitation of the 7 water pumps and the water network lines as well as IHR will work on the possibility of handling the pump stations to the local council to ensure its sustainability. Moreover, awareness session will hold in order to discuss different topics related to water treatment. water conservation and water storage.

Water Pumping
Syria : North Rural Homs “Talbeesa and Der Fool”
from 16/10/2017 until 16/04/2018
Number of beneficiaries
Approximately 7,252 beneficiaries.

This project includes pumping of clean portal water to villages in North Rural Homs by two water pump stations: Der Fool Pump station and Talbeesa Pump Station.
The project also works on the rehabilitating water pumping station and water network infrastructure in the area, it also works on finding the proper method to hand over the project to the local council to ensure its sustainability.

Waste Removal 3
Syria : North Rural Homs-Hola
1/11/2017 until 31/01/2018
13,222 Households

Waste Removal Project aims to remove the waste from the Hola areas” Taldo-Taldhab-Kfarlaha-Borj Kae’e and Western Tiba to ensure a safe environment, free of serious epidemics that resulting from the accumulation of the Waste. Project’s activities include cleaning the street, collecting the waste at a collecting point as well as removing the waste from the collecting point to landfill using special vehicles such as compressors. In parallel awareness, sessions will be done for improving Hygiene Knowledge and practices.

Syria : North Rural Homs (Rastan – Talbiseh)
from 01/11/2016 until 31/07/2017
Number of beneficiaries
Approximately 7,623 beneficiaries.

Providing clean portal water to 9 villages by 7 water pumps:
1-Eastern Farhaniyeh water pumping station:(Zafaraneh- Makramiyeh – Eastern Farhaniyeh)
2-Western Farhaniyeh
7-Abu Humamah,
In addition, the project works on rehabilitation of the 7 water pumps and the water network lines and we will work on the possibility of handling the pump stations to the local council to guarantee its sustainability

Waste Removal 2
Syria : Eastern Ghouta-Douma
1/12/2016 until 14/11/2017
26,640 HH which equals to 133,200 persons from Douma area

The project aims to remove the waste from all the 23 sectors in the city of Duma in the besieged Eastern Ghouta on a daily basis to ensure the safety of the people’s health from the serious epidemics resulting from the accumulation of these wastes and the emissions of toxic gases and odors odious. The activities of this project include cleaning the streets and collecting waste at specific collection points distributed in all the targeted sectors and removing the waste on a daily basis from all assembly points using special vehicles (compressors) and moving them into the landfill to be processed

Waste Removal
Syria : Eastern Ghouta-Douma
from 01/02/2016 until 31/08/2016
Number of beneficiaries
140,000 beneficiaries in the Eastern Ghouta-Douma.

Waste Removal Project aims to remove the waste from the Douma city on a daily basis to ensure a safety environment, free of serious epidemics that resulting from the accumulation of the Waste. Project’s activities include cleaning the street and collecting the waste at a collecting points as well as removing the waste from the collecting point to landfill using special vehicles such as compressors. This project is implemented in a partnership with the Douma Local Council.

Drop of Water Project
Syria : North Homs countryside (Talbiseh and Al-Rastan)
1/12/2015 until 31/08/2016
17,940 beneficiary in addition to 457 “ Schools, Mosques and service Centers ,

The acute shortage of clean drinking water in the besieged areas for more than three years, was the main reason for the international humanitarian relief “IHR ”to renew the project of pumping  clean drinking water to the people of the besieged  North Homs Countryside areas through maintenance of the six water pumping stations, in addition to that IHR hiring an expert engineering staff for the supervision ,controlling, permanent maintenance and monitoring of the pumping water process in terms of quantity and quality of water networks in Talbeesa, Rastan, Western Farahani,  Abu Homam ,Asielh , Ezzedine areas and other neighborhoods areas in the besieged North Homs countryside.

WASH & Hygiene Kits
Syria : Northern Homs countryside (Talbiseh and Al-Rastan)
Number of beneficiaries
15,947 beneficiaries from the water pumping station in addition to 141 institutions such as schools, mosques and services centers
36,800 benefiiaries from Hygiene Kits distributions and health awareness campaigns

As part of IHR’s work in the WASH sector in the Northern Homs countryside and as a result of the lack of health awareness not to mention the deteriorated state of the water supply in the besieged areas for over 3 years, IHR aims to rehabilitate and operationalize the water pumping station that provides water to Zaafaraneh, Eastern Farhaniyyeh and Mukaramiyyeh. For that purpose IHR has set up an engineering and services office to monitor the quality of the repairs on a regular basis. In addition to all of that, IHR will distribution hygiene kits to 8000 households in the Nothern Homs countryside -twice to each household- and will hold regular health awareness campaigns in several areas.

Lebanon : Aarsal
From 1/7/2015 to 1/8/2015
5,563 Family
Providing drinking water to people in besieged area in Aleppo by supporting the local counsel with three water trucks, to provide water to people in besieged area of Aleppo in coordination with Qatar Red Crescent.
Completing sewage network
Lebanon : Aarsal
from 16/6/2015 till 15/9/2015
Number of beneficiaries
23838 beneficiary from the Syrian Refugees in the camps of Aarsal

To extend sewage networks for the Syrian refugees who are currently living in the camps in Aarsal, in order to improve their living conditions in these camps. And this project includes establishing a sewage network includes (ground holes, manholes, main and tributary sewage pipes) for 64 camps in Aarsal.

Water Trucks
From 15/4/2015 to 31/4/2015
People in besieged area
Providing drinking water to people in besieged area in Aleppo by supporting the local counsel with three water trucks, to provide water to people in besieged area of Aleppo in coordination with Qatar Red Crescent.
Water system rehabilitation
Jarjanaz – Idleb rural
From 1/3/2015 to 1/7/2015
58100 IDPs and people in need.

The project aims to provide pure water source to the people of Jaranaz to limit diseases resulted from contaminated water and providing drinking water to 15200 IDP households and 42900 resident households.

Water system rehabilitation
Kafar Zita – Hama rural
Afes – Idleb rural
From 1/3/2015 to 1/7/2015
29500 IDPs and residents in the area.
We provided drinking water to the households of 10,000 resident and 5,000 IDPs in Kafar Zita, in addition to 12,000 resident and 2,500 IDPs in Afes, by maintaining the water network and pumping the water for 8 hours a day.
Pumping and containers project
Syria : Homs countryside (Talbiseh and Al-Rastan)
from 1/2/2015 till 31/10/2015
Numbers of beneficiaries
22,300 persons

Due to the clean water shortage inside the besieged areas for more than 3 years, IHR started a new project that aims to provide clean drinking water for people in the north countryside of Homs. The project included water reactivation and pumping through providing water supply networks and delivering water containers to places in need.